Sabtu, 05 September 2009

Tips dan Trik Farmville Facebook

Tips dan Trik Farmville Facebook
Tips and Tricks Farmville Facebook that I wanted to share today is about how to choose seeds that have a large income and add XP quickly.
Tips dan Trik Farmville Facebook

Here are the Tips Trik Farmville about the best earning Farmville crops in order according to coin income:

1. Tomatoes

Cost: 100 Sell: 173 Harvest Time: 8 hours Planting XP: 1

2. Sunflowers

Cost: 135 Sell: 315 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 2

3. Coffee

Cost: 120 Sell: 243 Harvest Time: 16 hours Planting XP: 1

4. Black Berries

Cost: 75 Sell: 117 Harvest Time: 4 hours Planting XP: 1

5. Blueberries

Cost: 50 Sell: 91 Harvest Time: 4 hours Planting XP: 1

6. Carrots

Cost: 110 Sell: 200 Harvest Time: 12 hours Planting XP: 1

7. Broccoli

Cost: 200 Sell: 473 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2

8. Raspberries

Cost: 20 Sell: 46 Harvest Time: 2 hours Planting XP: 0

9. Cabbage

Cost: 140 Sell: 388 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2

10. Red Wheat

Cost: 180 Sell: 449 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2

11. Peppers

Cost: 70 Sell: 162 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 2

12. Yellow Melon

Cost: 205 Sell: 528 Harvest Time: 92 hours (4 days) Planting XP: 2

13. Aloe Vera

Cost: 50 Sell: 85 Harvest Time: 6 hours Planting XP: 1

14. Corn

Cost: 150 Sell: 380 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2

15. Rice

Cost: 45 Sell: 96 Harvest Time: 12 hours Planting XP: 1

16. Pumpkin

Cost: 30 Sell: 68 Harvest Time: 8 hours Planting XP: 1

17. Pineapples

Cost: 95 Sell: 242 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2

18. Potatoes

Cost: 135 Sell: 345 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2

19. Strawberries

Cost: 10 Sell: 35 Harvest Time: 4 hours Planting XP: 1

20. Bell Peppers

Cost: 75 Sell: 198 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2

21. Watermelon

Cost: 130 Sell: 348 Harvest Time: 92 hours (4 days) Planting XP: 2

22. Cotton

Cost: 75 Sell: 207 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2

23. Squash – tied with soybeans

Cost: 40 Sell: 121 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2

24. Soybeans – tied with squash

Cost: 15 Sell: 63 Harvest Time: 23 hours (1 day) Planting XP: 2

25. Artichokes

Cost: 70 Sell: 204 Harvest Time: 92 hours (4 days) Planting XP: 2

26. Eggplant

Cost: 25 Sell: 88 Harvest Time: 46 hours (2 days) Planting XP: 2

27. Wheat

Cost: 35 Sell: 115 Harvest Time: 69 hours (3 days) Planting XP: 2

Here are the Tips Trik Farmville about the best Farmville crops in order according to the amount of XP given:

* 1. Black Berries
* 1. Blueberries
* 1. Strawberries
* 1. Raspberries*
* 2. Aloe Vera
* 3. Pumpkin
* 3. Tomatoes
* 4. Rice
* 4. Carrots
* 5. Soybeans
* 5. Sunflowers
* 5. Peppers
* 6. Coffee
* 7. Eggplant
* 7. Pineapples
* 7. Squash
* 7. Bell Peppers
* 7. Cabbage
* 7. Broccoli
* 8. Corn
* 8. Potatoes
* 8. Wheat
* 8. Cotton
* 8. Red Wheat
* 9. Watermelon
* 9. Artichokes
* 9. Yellow Melon

Here are the Tips Trik Farmville about the best Farmville crops in order according to the harvest time :

* Best 2 hour crop:

* Best 4 hour crop:

Black Berries
* Best 6 hour crop:

Aloe Vera
* Best 8 hour crop:

* Best 12 hour crop:

* Best 16 hour crop:

* Best 1 day crop (23 hour) crop:

* Best 2 day crop (46 hour) crop:

* Best 3 day crop (69 hour) crop:

Red Wheat
* Best 4 day crop (92 hour) crop:

I hope this the Trik Farmville or Farmville Tips and Tricks that I share this moment can help you to become a successful farmer in Farmville. Wait for the other tips and tricks facebook games from me.

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7 Cheat Comments:

rogers setiady on 6 September 2009 pukul 12.08 mengatakan...

promo hingga 31 desember 2009

pasang banner murah diskon 50% = rp. 10 000/bulan

pasang iklan gratis tanpa daftar disini!

feri on 30 Oktober 2009 pukul 10.49 mengatakan...

mana trik tambah coinnya?.

Mancing Gembira on 30 November 2009 pukul 11.57 mengatakan...

nice info

Promote Healthy Life on 3 Januari 2010 pukul 09.02 mengatakan...

mana triknya nih? itu mah cuma penjelasan aja.

Anonim mengatakan...

ya iyalah.............. kl nanem tuh yang belinya dikit hasilnye banyak... itu mah bukan cheat

Astince on 3 Februari 2010 pukul 16.06 mengatakan...

Aq lebih suka nanem bunga,terutama Morning Glory

dadan mengatakan...

saya mah nanamnya grape mulu sehari bisa dapet 1k+ koin (100.000) artinya 10 hari bisa dapet villa

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